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Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements

How Important Is Mineral Supplements?

Although the first reports of health benefits from the use of dietary supplements came about nearly four decades ago, it has only been since the last few years that such reports have gained much attention. One reason for this is the growth of the supplement industry, which has grown so dramatically because of the interest shown in natural substances for improving health and well-being. The vitamin and mineral supplements market is one of the largest global markets, with estimated annual sales exceeding $75 billion. Mineral supplements have a very large global market, though the area that is normally targeted is that of pre-natal and infant use, where there's much more evidence on long-term health effects and patterns of usage. Get this information on mineral supplements in this article. 

The use of mineral supplements is widespread among pregnant women, whose nutritional needs are often greater than the average person, particularly those who are obese. This is because, as the baby grows, more nutrients are required to maintain healthy development. Other nutritional issues also come into play as we grow older. Older people require more nutrients and minerals to remain healthy and well. Mineral supplements for the elderly generally focus on calcium and other important nutrients like magnesium, which can increase the absorption of other nutrients and thus reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other related disorders.

Another group of people who benefit from using mineral supplements are lacto-ovo vegetarians (people who don't eat any dairy products). Very little of their diet is made up of dairy products, so the body needs a wide range of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. The most important source of these nutrients is usually found in leafy green vegetables, although fortified breakfast cereals, sardines and fortified soy milk products may also provide some of the essential vitamins and minerals needed.

Certain types of foods, particularly those high in fat content, contain a high concentration of dietary fat. Since fats are not easily digested, they tend to build up in the body and slow down the process of absorption of other nutrients. This can result in a build-up of plaque in the arteries, a condition that eventually leads to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. To avoid this condition, it is important to ensure that the body has the right proportion of essential vitamins and minerals. Learn more about supplements here.

Deficiency of some vitamins and minerals is not necessarily connected with vitamin deficiency, but sometimes the reverse is true. In a study of preschool children, it was found that some preschoolers who were lacking vitamin A had significantly lower IQs than normal children. Vitamin A has long been recommended as a powerful preventive agent against age-related eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration, as well as for its health effects on the eyes. Now, more studies are indicating that vitamin A may have many health effects beyond preventing age-related eye diseases.

Some vitamins, minerals and nutrients cannot be replaced by any synthetic supplement. However, a proper diet can greatly improve vitamin and mineral status through a proper combination of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and fish or poultry. Moreover, regular exercise can help keep your body's immune system strong. These are just a few of the health effects of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/nutrition-dietary-supplements.

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